What’s on at WELFDC

Children’s Week

18th October - 26th October 2025

Children's Week is a national celebration. It recognises the talents, skills, achievements and rights of children. The event takes place in October every year, with thousands of Victorian children taking part in the festivities.

Children’s Week 2025 will be held between 18th October- 26th October 2025

The theme for Children’s Week 2025 is based on UNCRC Article 42: States Parties undertake to make the principles and provisions of the Convention widely known, by appropriate and active means, to adults and children alike.

Local councils, not-for-profit organisations, schools and early childhood services organise a variety of events during Children's Week. These include open days, displays, special events, virtual spaces and online-based activities. The events celebrate childhood and showcase children's achievements.

All Children's Week events in Victoria are free to families with children aged from birth to 12 years. The events are a great opportunity for families to enjoy fun, engaging and educational experiences.

Early Childhood Educator’s Day

Early Childhood Educators’ Day recognises & celebrates the work of Australia’s educators in early learning services (long day care, family day care, kindergarten/preschools and occasional care) for their wonderful contribution to the wellbeing and healthy development of the young children in their care.

It’s our chance to say a huge thank you to Australia’s early childhood educators on a very personal level by service operators, families and their children, as well as collectively at the national and state levels.

Bread Tags for Wheelchairs

If you are looking to contribute, we would love to receive your bread tags via post or hand these to your Educator!


Family Day Care Australia - Excellence in Family day Care


As the only event of its kind, the Excellence in Family Day Care Awards celebrate our sector on a national level and recognise the achievements of our members, who make up one of the largest networks of small business in the country.

We are proud to say that we have had multiple winners and nominations over the years. Congratulations to our following winners; Debra MacLeod in 2017 and 2020, Allison Evans in 2019 and Zenaida Ternola in 2020 and 2021.

Zenaida Ternola - Our 2022 Bayside & South Eastern Suburbs Region Educator Winner in the Excellence in Family Day Care Awards!!

We would like to give a HUGE congratulations to Zhen for this achievement. Did you know that this is the third year in a row that Zhen has won for the Bayside and South Eastern Suburbs? We are grateful to have Zhen as part of our team here at Wyndham Early Learning FDC.