Our Nutrition Philosophy

Photographic credit to our educator; Allison Evans

At Wyndham Early Learning Family day Care, we are passionate about introducing and educating  the children to all aspects of  nutrition, health and well-being. Learning about a healthy lifestyle assists children to build confidence in themselves and have a sense of well-being.

Wyndham Early Learning Family day Care is to promote and influence healthy food choices for children. Our work is guided by following 6 key messages:

 1. Variety

Mix things up every day at every meal with foods from all 5 food groups. Include lots of colour and different textures.

 2. Whole core foods

Choose nutritious foods from the 5 core food groups with minimal processing. Make sure you can identify what is in the food you are eating

 3. Balance

Remember ‘extra’ foods aren’t every day foods. Enjoy core foods first and incorporate 30mins of planned exercise daily.

 4. Portions

Get to know appropriate serving sizes and read labels for guidance.

 5. Eat meals together

Sit down to share food moments with family and friends without distraction.

 6. Practice mindful eating

Be aware of hunger cues and take time out to eat and experience the moment.